Rising to the Top Embassy

As a Embassy, we guard, guide and govern by directing the church back to the King. Our mandate is to provide support and recover teams that purpose to produce fruit that will remain. Our purpose drives us to restore apostleship to the church as the churches see the mantles of the apostle and prophet restored; bringing five-fold ministry order into churches.
We facilitate the transformation of lives by building and empowering individuals and teams in order to propel them into their destiny and purpose.
As a ministry, we do the following: Guard, guide and govern by directing the church back to the King. Our mandate is to provide support and recover teams that purpose to produce fruit that will remain. Our purpose drives us to restore apostleship to the church as the churches see the mantles of the apostle and prophet restored; bringing five-fold ministry order into churches. We will appoint, charge, and dispatch restored leaders to complete their mission for Christ. Finally, we will popularize the almighty’s lifestyle to those in the churches and teach them His mind.
We are commissioned to:
Equip – We will equip believers to become conformed to the image of Christ by teaching and restoring the foundations of the apostles and prophets with emphasis on Christ as the chief cornerstone
Establish – We will establish apostleship by promoting, equipping, assisting and providing teaching resources to leaders and ministries of God’s divine order
Restore – We will restore God’s biblical pattern, divine order, and manifest uniformity by demonstrating and teaching biblical principles of relational and governmental order. We collaborate and partner with local, regional, national and international ministries for the advancement of the Kingdom
To be a key piece of the plan to reinstate apostolic and prophetic leadership in the Church by converting those ordained to the Apostleship message.
18 To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.
Scripturally Organic Culturally Unmodified Teaching
Five-Fold Understanding
—Church Restoration
—Church Intervention
—Church Restructure
—Prayer Workshop
—Prayer Conference
—Worship Workshop
—Worship Conference
—Workshop for Worship Leaders and Teams
—Leadership Strengthen
—Ministry Team Building
—Set up 501C3 tax exempt status
—Resume Writing
—In Conjunction with PPM-Global-Advisor-—Ministry Assessment
—And More...
We evaluate using our Tier Level System and make suggestions for improvement
We assist in revamping organizations
We assist with launching your business by securing your name with the state, setting up 501-C3 status, bylaws, and much more
Counseling, Advisement and Mentorship
We do spiritual, per-marital, marriage, and grief counseling
Certified Life Coach/Advisor
We offer individual and organizational assessments to assist you in finding your destiny (in conjunction with PPM Global Resources)
Officiate Weddings and Funerals
We perform weddings and officiate funerals
Workshop and Conference Consultant
We assist by providing workshops, conferences and train you in organizing your own selected events.